Bright color PVC Symbol Bean Bags ideally used as educational learning tools.
Set includes symbols – Plus, Minus, Divide, Multiply, Equal and Percent.
Bright color PVC Symbol Bean Bags ideally used as educational learning tools.
Set includes symbols – Plus, Minus, Divide, Multiply, Equal and Percent.
Bright color PVC Symbol Bean Bags ideally used as educational learning tools.
Set includes symbols – Plus, Minus, Divide, Multiply, Equal and Percent.
Catcher Ball 7cm diameter ball is attached to the cup with a cord.
Made of moulded plastic for durability.
Helps to develop hand-eye coordination.
Braided Rope – Nylon 8MM Polypropylene Braided rope in 6 rainbow colors.
Parachutes play is a cooperative therapeutic activity.
Peoples alike love parachute for the social participation, exercise.
Heavily reinforced in all key stress areas with heavy duty handle and carry bag.
Walking Beam – Straight provide a brightly coloured non-slip 5.5cm wide plastic platform for balancing and developing motor skills.
Each section simply attaches to the next as a mixed colour.
Multi-Dome Arch gates to create a soccer obstacle course, a goal, run through,
croquet gates and more – Base to fill, with sand while using.
Tug Of War Rope Pp rope strong enough to be used in junior tug of war.
Provides a good grip but softer for the hands.
Trolley made of plastic poles with jointer. Idle for storing or
transporting inflatable balls with ease. Robust & Lightweight
easily movable by kids. Swivel casters wheels having smooth
mobility to move in any direction with two Locking wheels.
Durable molded plastic paddleball bats. Can be used for a variety of games.
Colorful Set of 6 includes 1 of each in R/G/B/P/O/Y
Cotton drill Colored Bean Bags are designed to assist with colour recognition and literacy, featuring the name of the colour printed.
Size 10 x 10cm
Jumping Rope Loops Adjustable length rope runs through a sturdy plastic handle.
Allows students of all sizes to perform a variety of exercises and fun.
Size : Bar: (L) 100cm, Rope (L) 250cm
Paddle Rings 30 cm dia are a fun new exciting way
of developing better hand to eye co-ordination.
Two handles so it can be held in both hands.
Assist in developing hand eye coordination.
The To & Fro Ball is designed for everyone to promote hand-eye coordination.
The rope is tied around the waist to save time in retrieving runaway balls.
Stimulate the movement development and co-ordination of hand, eye and feet.
It’s suitable for adults and kids.
Dimension: Ball 19 cm with rope 100 cm.
Introducing our Air Flow Ball With Hole. It’s perfect for a variety of uses whether you’re using it for a craft project or as a tool for sensory play.
Non tearing PVC coated gym mat that has four folding sections for easy storage.
Transparent spiral play tunnel. Helps to improve coordination
skills of children. Tunnel collapses flat for easy transportation.
Rack made of plastic poles with jointer along with elasticated
wire to carry balls. Swivel casters wheels having smooth mobility
to move in any direction with two Locking wheels.
Long Length Bean Bags, Learning to catch in the four primary colors.
Catch Net Set, Pull the handles taut to launch the ball, catch in own net
or opposite player’s net.Individual or group participation. Suitable for
indoor or outdoor use. Each set contains 2 throw and catch nets and 1
70mm Airflow ball. Each net approximately 30cm.
Set comes with 6 differently colored “Ball Catcher Set” and 6 differently colored soft balls.
Used for both Outdoor/Indoor. Suitable for 4+ year’s age group.
Ideal for developing hand eye coordination skills and team work skills.
Instructions for Play:
Each child is given a “ball catcher” which can be placed on their heads or wrists.
Working in pairs or part of a team children try to throw/catch the balls in the “ball catcher” either by running, standing or simply sitting.
Blind Folds help to create teamwork. It can impel team members
into working together more closely.
• Ideal for children aged 4 upwards to adults.
• Made from nylon with an adjustable headband.
• Each pack consists of: 1 x Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple and Orange.